Alma Library Friends
April 17, 2024
14 people in attendance at this monthly meeting
Officers present: Susan Hunter, Sue Joyce, Linda Bradley, Dianne Wieferich
Meeting was called to order at 5:35 by Susan Hunter
Motion by Linda Luneack and seconded by Laura Clark to accept the March meeting minutes
Treasurer's Report - erase the word corrected
Motion by Dianne Wieferich and seconded by Karol Davidson to accept the amended report
Open House Discussion
All set to go--library map showing what's going on and where in the library is complete
3:30 Marla
4:00 slideshow
4:40 Republic Truck
Set up on day of event is 10:00 a.m.
Open house starts at 3:30, but be at the library by 2:45
City Commission Meeting Report
Recognized Susan Hunter for doing an excellent presentation. Commissioners were appreciative and said the library was doing great things
Suggestion to invite Curtis Dancer, city finance director, to give information about library financing to Friends of the Alma Library
Website moving forward
Need to consider forming a facebook committee
Consider changing Friends of the Library meetings to Wednesday. The Wright House Restoration meetings are on the same day as our group. Will take a poll
Motion by Jane Brown and seconded by Gary Rayburn to adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 6:13