19 people in attendance at this monthly meeting
Officers present: Susan Hunter, Sue Joyce, Linda Bradley, Dianne Wieferich
Motion by Gary Rayburn and seconded by Sue Joyce to approve the treasurer's report
Motion by Bryan Dinwoody and seconded by Sue Joyce to approve the treasurer's report
April Open House Discussion
Theme -- Looking Back, Looking Forward
Slide show -- history of library and speaker
Storytime with Marla
Republic Truck -- Joe Butcher
Tree for patron comments going up in March
Scavenger hunt -- still investigating
Learn to use Libby and Hoopla
"Shelfie" booth (selfies) -- Pete Tacia will do
Music through the years -- Lynn Ludy (will need technical help)
WMLM Radio
Yard signs
Library display cases
Social media
Dianne Wieferich and Laura Clark
Hot dogs, chips, lemonade, water, coffee
Picnic theme
300-350 people last year
Historic Downtown Walk update
Linda Luneack working on route, transportation, and may mimic cemetery tour in the fact of having actors play parts explaining history of buildings
Motion to adjourn by Gary Rayburn and seconded by Bryan Dinwoody
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.