Ok everybody, buckle up, this is a longer than usual newsletter, but we've got a lot going on. First up, it's all about the Open House. (Wed. April 24, 3:30-6 p.m.). It's time to gear up and get the word out, and we need everyone to help with that.
New March Meeting Date -- Thursday the 21st
We changed the ALF meeting date because our regular date falls during spring break, and because Yikes! the Open House (April 24) is coming fast and we need to finalize things and line up volunteers. Luckily, organizer extraordinaire Renee Faustmann put together an excellent task list and donation list to keep us on track.
The signs are everywhere
Well, not really everywhere, yet. That's where you come in. The "We Love the Alma Library" yard signs leading up to our Open House on April 24th are available beginning Monday (April 1) at the Alma Library Circulation desk. They are free, but donations are appreciated. People may keep the signs or return them to the library after the open house. Tell your family, tell your friends, tell your neighbors to stop by and pick one up. When you pick up your own sign, feel free to take several to share with friends you think would like one in their yards. We have about 200 signs and our goal is to get them out all over town, especially on well traveled streets like Superior, Wright Avenue, Pine Avenue, Luce Road, Charles Road, State Street, Michigan Avenue, and Ely Street.
Final rundown of events for the Open House
Library history slideshow with commentary by Bryan Dinwoody (We got a sneak peek at the last ALF meeting. It's really good!)
History of the Republic Truck Company--a huge but largely forgotten part of Alma's history--with Jim Goodspeed and Joe Butcher. At least one of Joe's restored Republic trucks will be on display
Storytime with Miss Marla
Ipad station for visitors to record a short video on their thoughts about the libraryu
"Shelfie" Booth--opportunity to take photos with favorite books (and props!)
Hot dogs, chips, and a drink--free!
Tech help for Hoopla and Libby at the circulation desk
Free raffle tickets for gift certificates from Little Caesar's and Serendipity Frozen Custard, and for a fabulous gift basket!
A pair of tickets to Aaron Lewis concert at Soaring Eagle from WMLM which will be broadcasting on site and giving away T-shirts
A performance of the Alma Library Friends Fight Song by the Alma Library Friends Choir. Okay, not really. It's just a dream I have. But all the rest is real, and we need you to make it happen
Specific things you can do to help make the Open House a success
Like, comment, share social media posts about the Open House over the next few weeks
Put a sign in your yard. Get your friends, family, neighbors to put signs in their yards
Get flyers from the circulation desk (or call me and I'll get them to you) to share with your church groups, your service and social clubs, with your workplace if that's permissible
Help with set up at 10 a.m. the day of the Open House (Wed. April 24)
Volunteer during the Open House to circulate, answer questions, keep the areas tidy
Come to the open house, Wednesday April 24, 3:30-6 p.m. and bring a friend or 10
The Alma Library Friends are on the agenda at the city commission meeting Tuesday, April 9 at 6 p.m. I'll be giving a brief rundown of what we did last year, our plans for this year, and inviting everyone to the open house. PLEASE COME IF YOU CAN! Showing up is part of showing how important we believe the library is to our community.
So, you want to volunteer?
Attached at the end of this newsletter are:
a checklist of what's been done and what still needs to happen
a list of items we need donated (water, pop, ice) along with a list of volunteer jobs for the day of the Open House
Just click the black and yellow buttons at the bottom of this email to download the lists. Please check them out. If you can help, reply to this email or call me (989-620-0272) to let me know what you can do. If you have any problem downloading the lists you can view them at the library circulation desk and sign up there. Sign up sheets will also be available at our meeting March 21.
A couple of things that aren't the Open House
We've added an event to our fall schedule. On Nov. 10th, the 49th anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, author Ric Mixter will present a program on that tragic event. An ALF member who attended a recent presentation by Ric said it was amazing. More information to come.
A generous donation from Arlene Nyman combined with our funds on hand means we will be purchasing six new reading chairs for the library at Kubin's next week. Four will be placed by the fireplace, and two in the genealogy room. The chairs are special order items, so they won't be arriving for 6-8 weeks.
Okay that's it for now. Please mark your calendars for the revised date for our April meeting. It will be a week earlier than usual, Thursday, April 18th at 5:30 p.m. That's our last chance to come together before the Open House to take care of any last minute issues.
Here's your library quote for this month:
"The very existence of libraries affords the best evidence that we may yet have hope for the future of man."
--T.S. Eliot
Don't forget, this month we meet on the third Thursday of the month, March 21st, Alma Public Library, 5:30 p.m. You can get an early look at the slideshow history of the Alma Library we'll be using at the Open House. See you then!
Susan Hunter, Chair Alma Library Friends
PS--Library Director Lorrie Taylor has some very exciting news that is going to help us with one of our goals--developing adult programming at the library!